Massachusetts Technology OTG Test bed
Some of the technologies that are required for an OTG radar network are investigated in a parallel effort in the non-student led Massachusetts test bed. The investigated technologies in this test bed are: wireless (multi-hop) communication, virtualization, and ad-hoc networking. After development and testing of these technologies is finished in the MA OTG test bed the technologies will be transferred to the PR student-led OTG test bed. As mentioned above the students mainly focus on the development of a OTG radar that works well for weather sensing.
Since there is no end user involvement in the MA OTG test bed it is classified as a technology test bed rather than an end-to-end test bed. Nevertheless it is integrated in CASA’s technical integration efforts since technology developed in this technology test bed will be eventually transferred to the PR OTG test bed. Members from both the MA and PR OTG test beds have had several meetings to discuss how the technologies developed in the MA test bed can be transferred to the PR test bed. For the coming year (Y7) a visit from members of the MA test bed in Puerto Rico is planned with the goal to introduce the topic of sensor network virtualization to the students.
Since Y6 the MA test bed is co-funded from CASA and the GENI ViSE project. The latter uses the test bed to conduct research in the area of virtual private sensor networks. While CASA funds this test bed with $280k over the next two years the GENI-based funding will be $210k over that period.