Radar Installation at University of North Texas
The radar installation at
the Discovery Park campus of University of North Texas is part of a
multi-sensor network, called the CASA DFW Urban Demonstration Network or CASA
WX, that will help local emergency managers, National Weather Service forecasters,
and weather sensitive industries save lives, and reduce injuries and the
economic costs of tornadoes, flash floods, hail, and high wind events. The network was developed by the National
Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Engineering Research Center for Collaborative
Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA), under the leadership of University
of Massachusetts Amherst, with partners Colorado State University, University
of Oklahoma, government and industry members.
Installation. The
CASA radar at University of North Texas has been installed on the rooftop of the
building housing UNT's College of Engineering and College of Information at the
Discovery Park campus. The campus, the NCTCOG and the North Central Texas
Trauma Regional Advisory Council are supporting the one-time installation costs,
and the annual site-specific operational costs such as electricity and
bandwidth will be covered by the campus.
Use of the radar data. UNT Emergency
Management staff will have access to radar products for campus emergency
preparedness. In addition, data will be available to the UNT Hazards and Disaster Research to Respond to Global Crises Research
Cluster for research on disaster planning and emergency administration, the
College of Engineering, and other participants for research projects conducted
along with CASA researchers. Data from this and other radars will be available to the local
National Weather Service Forecast Office for evaluation and operations and to
the other project participants in the region.
Entrepreneurship Course. The UNT College of Business Murphy Center for
Entrepreneurship has been awarded a subcontract from the University of
Massachusetts Amherst in support of a prestigious NSF Partnership For
Innovation/ Accelerating Innovation Research grant. This summer, Dr. Tony
Mendes, Director of the Murphy Center, will offer a new course, "Topics in
Entrepreneurship," to graduate students and senior undergraduate students
interested in exploring market analysis, business models, and commercialization
strategies for CASA technologies (and other UNT research). Student Venture
Teams, comprised of UNT graduate students from Business, Computer Science and
Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Economics, the Texas Center for Digital
Knowledge, the Emergency Management program, and Natural Hazards Research will
form interdisciplinary teams. These teams will work together, with involvement
from CASA graduate students and staff researchers involved in translational
research activities, to evaluate the technologies and processes for commercial
potential and prepare documentation needed to secure funding to bring the best
ideas to the marketplace. Student Venture Teams will work closely with mentors
from the DFW area who have expertise in Emergency Management. Graduate students
participating on the Venture Teams will gain academic credit and valuable
experience in understanding business decisions involved in technology
commercialization. Insight specific to opportunities in weather radar systems
and markets they serve will also be an added value to students. In addition to
business plans, the course will address market assessment, hardware acquisition
models, data licensing models, and scalable operations models for the urban